Xiyun Deng

Dr. Xiyun Deng received his doctoral degree in Pathophysiology from Central South University. He had completed postdoctoral research at the Ohio State University and at the Wayne State University. Dr. Xiyun Deng is currently a professor of Pathophysiology and Molecular Pathology and chair of Department of Basic Medical Sciences. He is the founder and serves as director of Key Laboratory of Translational Cancer Stem Cell Research at Hunan Normal University. Dr. Deng’s research, which has been funded by the NSFC and other funding agencies for over 15 years, focuses on the experimental therapeutics targeting cancer stem cells. His team discovered that post-translational modifications of non-histone proteins play a crucial role in metastasis and drug-induced cellular stress responses in cancer stem cells, upon which he proposed the concept of "reverse nucleolar stress". His work led to the development and mechanistic elucidation of cancer stem cell-targeting drugs (including a patented nanocarrier-based composite drug) particularly against triple-negative breast cancer. Dr. Deng has published over 100 articles/reviews including first-author and/or corresponding-author papers in Blood, Clinical Cancer Research, Cancer Treatment Reviews, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, International Journal of Cancer, European Journal of Cancer, etc. As a principal editor, he has recently compiled a book titled "Triple-Negative Breast Cancer", which is published by World Scientific Publishing (Singapore). The undergraduates and graduates he mentored got several national-level awards including the "Challenge Cup" (2nd Prize), which is one of China’s highest honors for undergraduates/graduates. RESEARCH FUNDING (as Principal Investigator) 1) 2012.12-2022.11 Amount: ¥1,600,000 Role and mechanisms of cell metabolism in cancer metastasis (Grant # 130608) Supported by Hunan Normal University (HUNNU) 2) 2019.01-2022.12 Amount: ¥580,000 (direct cost) Studies on the mechanisms by which lovastatin inhibits TNBC cancer stem cells via nucleolar stress-mediated autophagy (Grant # 81872167) Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 3) 2015.01-2018.12 Amount: ¥700,000 Inhibition of EMT and metastasis by lovastatin through targeting breast cancer stem cells and the mechanisms involved (Grant # 81472496) Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 4) 2008.01-2010.12 Amount: ¥320,000 Molecular mechanisms by which Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein 1 regulates the activity of chemokine receptor CXCR4 and promotes nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastasis (Grant # 30771966) Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 5) 2002.01-2003.12 Amount: ¥160,000 Role of the chemokine receptor EBI1/CCR7 in the metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Grant # 30170877) Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 6) 2019.01-2021.12 Amount: ¥100,000 Studies on the mechanisms of the inhibitory effects of lovastatin on TNBC cancer stem cells via upregulation of p14ARF and induction of nucleolar stress (Grant # 2019JJ40193) Supported by Department of Science and Technology of Hunan 7) 2014.09-2017.08 Amount: ¥60,000 Experimental studies of inhibition of metastasis by Monacolin K through targeting breast cancer stem cells (Grant # 14A089) 2019JJ40193 Supported by Department of Education of Hunan 8) 2014.10-2016.09 Amount: ¥50,000 Inhibition of breast cancer stem cells by Monacolin K through chemosensitization (Grant # k1403024-31) Supported by Bureau of Science and Technology of Changsha 9) 2001.01-2002.12 Amount: ¥5,000 Identification of nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastasis-related chemokines and their receptors Supported by Hunan Province Health Bureau

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Hunan Normal University School of Medicine

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Experimental therapeutics targeting cancer stem cells 0 Molecular mechanisms of metabolic reprogramming and cancer metastasis 0


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Hello everyone! I have successfully joined Cloud Scientist program! I’m Xiyun Deng, a professor of Pathophysiology and Molecular Pathology and chair of Department of Basic Medical Sciences. I’m the founder and serves as director of Key Laboratory of Translational Cancer ...Learn More


  2. 1. Deng X, Tang F, Rosol TJ (Editors): Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2020 (ISBN 978-981-3277-75-5) https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11199#t=aboutBook

  3. 2. Deng X*: “Triple-negative breast cancer.” In Breast Cancer. Berlin (Germany): Avid Science, 2016, pp1-33. http://www.avidscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/BRSTC-16-01_June-03-2016.pdf

  4. 3. Deng X*, Dai J, Keller ET: “Bone-targeted therapies of metastatic prostate cancer.” In Advances in Prostate Cancer. Berlin (Germany): Avid Science, 2016, pp1-47. http://www.avidscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/RAPOC-15-01_Galley-Proof.pdf

  5. 4. Tao Y, Deng X*: “Nuclear acids analysis techniques.” In Practical Protocols in Molecular Biology. Beijing (China): People’s Health Publishing House, 2003, pp70-129.


  7. 1. Deng X, Zeng L, Michael L. Cher (Guest Editors): Heterogeneity, Tumor Microenvironment and Targeted Therapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Frontiers in Oncology, 2021

  8. PUBLICATIONS (first and/or corresponding author papers only)

  9. “*” denotes the corresponding author.

  10. 1. Yi H, Wu M, Zhang Q, Lu L, Yao H, Chen S, Li Y, Zheng C, He G, Deng X*. Reversal of HER2 Negativity: An Unexpected Role for Lovastatin in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells. Journal of Cancer 2020; 11(13): 3713-3716.

  11. 2. Wu D, Chen Y, Wen S, Wen Y, Wang R, Zhang Q, Qin G, Yi H, Wu M, Lu L, Tao X*, Deng X*. Synergistically enhanced inhibitory effects of pullulan nanoparticle-mediated co-delivery of lovastatin and doxorubicin to triple-negative breast cancer cells. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019; 14(1):314-325.

  12. 3. Zeng L, Deng X*, Zhong J, Yuan L, Tao X, Zhang S, Zeng Y, He G, Tan P, Tao Y*. Prognostic value of biomarkers EpCAM and αB-crystallin associated with lymphatic metastasis in breast cancer by iTRAQ analysis. BMC Cancer 2019; 9(1):831-841.

  13. 4. Song L, Tao X, Lin L, Chen C, Yao H, He G, Zou G, Cao Z, Yan S, Lu L, Yi H, Wu D, Tan S, Ouyang W, Dai Z*, Deng X*. Cerasomal Lovastatin Nanohybrids for Efficient Inhibition of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells to Improve Therapeutic Efficacy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018; 10(8):7022-7030.

  14. 5. Lu L, Yi H, Chen C, Yan S, Yao H, He G, Li G, Jiang Y, Deng T, Deng X*. Nucleolar stress: is there a reverse version? Journal of Cancer 2018; 9(20): 3723-3727.

  15. 6. Chen C, Lu L, Yan Y, Yi H, Yao H, Wu D, He G, Tao X, Deng X*. Autophagy and Doxorubicin Resistance in Cancer. Anticancer Drugs 2018; 29(1):1-9.

  16. 7. He J, Xiong L, Li Q, Lin L, Miao X, Yan S, Hong Z, Yang L, Wen Y, Deng X*. 3D modeling of cancer stem cell niche. Oncotarget 2017; 9(1):1326-1345.

  17. 8. Zeng L, Zhong J, He G, Li F, Li J, Zhou W, Liu W, Zhang Y, Huang S , Liu Z, Deng X*. Identification of Nucleobindin-2 as a potential biomarker for breast cancer metastasis using iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis. Journal of Cancer 2017; 8(15):3062-3069.

  18. 9. Peng Y, He G, Tang D, Xiong L, Wen Y, Miao X, Hong Z, Yao H, Chen C, Yan S, Lu L, Yang Y, Li Q*, Deng X*. Lovastatin inhibits cancer stem cells and sensitizes to chemo- and photodynamic therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Journal of Cancer 2017; 8(9):1655-1664.

  19. 10. Yao H, He G, Chen C, Yan S, Lu L, Song L, Vijayan KV, Li Q, Xiong L, Miao X, Deng X*. PAI1: a novel PP1-interacting protein that mediates human plasma's anti-apoptotic effect in endothelial cells. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2017; 21(9):2068-2076.

  20. 11. Yao H, He G, Yan S, Chen C, Song L, Rosol TJ, Deng X*. Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Is There a Treatment on the Horizon? Oncotarget 2017; 8(1):1913-1924.

  21. 12. Deng X, Cao Y, Huby MP, Duan C, Baer L, Peng Z, Kozar RA, Doursout MF, Holcomb JB, Wade CE, Ko TC*. Adiponectin in fresh frozen plasma contributes to restoration of vascular barrier function after hemorrhagic shock. Shock 2016; 45(1):50-54.

  22. 13. Yang T, Yao H, He G, Song L, Liu N, Wang Y, Yang Y, Keller ET, Deng X*. Effects of Lovastatin on MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells: An Antibody Microarray Analysis. Journal of Cancer 2016; 7(2):192-199.

  23. 14. Li H, He G, Yao H, Song L, Zeng L, Peng X, Rosol TJ, Deng X*. TGF-β Induces Degradation of PTHrP Through Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Journal of Cancer 2015; 6(6):511-518.

  24. 15. Deng X, He G, Liu J, Luo F, Peng X, Tang S, Gao Z, Lin Q, Keller JM, Yang T*, Keller ET*. Recent advances in bone-targeted therapies of metastatic prostate cancer. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2014; 40(6):730-738.

  25. 16. Yang T, Liu J, Luo F, Lin Q, Rosol TJ, Deng X*. Anti-cancer properties of Monascus metabolites. Anticancer Drugs 2014; 25(7):735-744.

  26. 17. Deng X, Cao Y, Liu Y, Li F, Sambandam K, Rajaraman S, Perkins AS, Fields AP, Hellmich MR, Townsend CM Jr, Thompson EA, Ko TC*. Overexpression of Evi-1 oncoprotein represses TGF-β signaling in colorectal cancer. Molecular Carcinogenesis 2013; 52(4):255-264.

  27. 18. Deng X*, He G, Levine A, Cao Y, Mullins C. Adenovirus-mediated Expression of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in Bone Inhibits the Growth of Human Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Cancer 2008; 122(1):209-218.

  28. 19. Deng X, Tannehill-Gregg S, Nadella MVP, He G, Levine A, Rosol TJ*. Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein and Ezrin Are Up-regulated in Human Lung Cancer Bone Metastases. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis 2007; 24(2):107-119.

  29. 20. Deng X*, Bhagat S, Dong Z, Mullins C, Chinni SR, Cher ML. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells and confers increased sensitivity to paclitaxel. European Journal of Cancer 2006; 42(18):3267-3273.

  30. 21. Hu J#, Deng X#, Bian X, Li G, Tong Y, Li Y, Wang Q, Xin R, He X, Zhou G, Xie P, Li Y, Wang JM, Cao Y*. The expression of functional chemokine receptor CXCR4 is associated with the metastatic potential of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2005; 11(13):4658-4665. (#Hu J and Deng X are equal-contribution primary authors.)

  31. 22. Deng X, Kim M, Vandier D, Jung YJ, Rikiyama T, Sgagias MK, Goldsmith M, Cowan KH*. Recombinant adenovirus-mediated p14(ARF) overexpression sensitizes human breast cancer cells to cisplatin. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications 2002; 296(4):792-798.

  32. 23. Deng X, Ueda H, Su SB, Gong W, Dunlop NM, Gao JL, Murphy PM, Wang JM*. A synthetic peptide derived from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 downregulates the expression and function of chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 in monocytes by activating the 7-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor FPRL1/LXA4R. Blood 1999; 94(4):1165-1173.

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