Ana Luiza Dias Abdo Agamme
Lab Information
Inborn Errors of metabolism (LEIM)
Research Area and Skills
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Sleep 0 Psychobiology 1 Circadian rhytms 0 Epigenetics 0
Nanotechnology has many applications; to list a few:Development of new therapies and drugs to treat human diseasesCosmeticsFood science (E.g., shelf-life extension)Electronics (E.g., build precise circuits)Solar panels that generate more energyIndustry (E.g., creation of smart ...Learn More
Nanotechnology involves manipulating and controlling nanomaterials in a useful way. We can find nanomaterials in nature; examples are hemoglobin, smoke from the fire, volcanic ash, and sea spray.One of the main benefits of nanotechnology is that it increases the material's ...Learn More
Nanotechnology is the study and application of extremely small things (about 1 to 100 nanometers). We can apply nanotechnology in several areas, for example, in chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.
Suzana Herculano-houzel is a bright biologist and neuroscientist. She got her degree at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She went abroad to explore the modulation and plasticity of neurotransmission in some of the most prestigious universities in the United States, ...Learn More
According to Bulaklak and Gersbach (2020), advances in gene therapy will control the immune system response since about 50% of patients are excluded from treatment due to pre-existing immunity to the viral capsids. One example is the engineering of modified adeno-associated ...Learn More
(2017). Maternal Vitamin B Deficiency and Epigenetic Changes of Genes Involved in the Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis.
(2016). Subchronical treatment with Fluoxetine modifies the activity of the MCHergic and hypocretinergic systems. Evidences from peptide CSF concentration and gene expression.(2016). Long-term consequences of methyl donor deficiency during in utero and early life development on markers of the metabolic syndrome.(2015). MCH levels in the CSF, brain preproMCH and MCHR1 gene expression during paradoxical sleep deprivation, sleep rebound and chronic sleep restriction.(2014). Effect of vitamin B deprivation during pregnancy and lactation on homocysteine metabolism and related metabolites in brain and plasma of mice offspring.
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