F19-6CNM plasmid from Long Liu

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Cat. No.:
4 µg of lyophilized plasmid
(1 µg for low-copy plasmid)
  • General
  • Specification
  • Comments (0)
  • Keywords CRISPR
    Vector Backbone
    Source Long Liu Lab
    Depositor Long Liu
    Organization Jiangnan University
    Description pcrF11-6C derivate, containing homologous arms for nonsense mutation of aprE, epr, nprE, bpr, mpr, and nprB
    Publication CAMERS-B: CRISPR/Cpf1 assisted multiple-genes editing and regulation system for Bacillus subtilis. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 117, 1817–1825
    Plasmid Copy High Copy
    Bacterial Resistance Kanamycin
    Growth Strain TOP10
    Growth Temperature 37°C
    Plasmid Size (bp) 12266
    *This material may be covered by one or more patents, trademarks and/or copy rights owned or controlled by Depositors or any third parties. This material is available to academic and nonprofit organizations for research use only. Please contact MolecularCloud at plasmid@genscript.com and the Depositor directly if you are from industrial institute or attempt for profit application. This material is not intended to be used therapeutic or diagnostic purposed in humans or animals.
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  • #[first_name]