Amerigo Scientific


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Transfection is a crucial technique in molecular biology research, allowing researchers to introduce foreign genetic material into cells for a variety of applications, including gene expression studies, therapeutic protein production, clone generation, and gene therapy. The choice ...Learn More

Amerigo Scientific, a distributor focused on providing critical products and services to biomedical and life science communities, is proud to announce the release of its environmental sampling bootie, the EnviroBootie. This innovative bootie is specifically designed for use in ...Learn More

Amerigo Scientific expands its life science portfolio with cutting-edge CRISPR/Cas enzymes, offering precise genetic editing tools for diverse applications.Amerigo Scientific, as a distributor focused on providing critical products and services to biomedical and life science ...Learn More

Amerigo Scientific, as a distributor focused on providing critical products and services to biomedical and life science communities, recently rolled out their cutting-edge real-time PCR kits for Hepatitis A virus (HAV) research. The new kits offer researchers excellent accuracy, ...Learn More

Amerigo Scientific, a distributor focused on providing critical products and services to biomedical and life science communities, has recently updated its line of laboratory incubators with more advanced features. These updates further improve efficiency, precision, and ease of ...Learn More

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