HCV NS4A Protein (21-34) (JT strain)


The NS4A fragment GSVVIVGRIILSGR corresponds to the residues involved in the interaction with the NS3 protease. Unlike the NS4A fragment (22-34) CVVIVGRVVLSGK derived from the H strain, this peptide contains no cysteine residues and is hence more stable.


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  • Name HCV NS4A Protein (21-34) (JT strain)
    Category Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Related Peptides
    One Letter Code GSVVIVGRIILSGR
    Three Letter Code {Gly}{Ser}{Val}{Val}{Ile}{Val}{Gly}{Arg}{Ile}{Ile}{Leu}{Ser}{Gly}{Arg}
    Molecular Weight 1425.740
    Application Virology
    Steinkühler, Christian, Licia Tomei, and Raffaele De Francesco. "In vitro activity of hepatitis C virus protease NS3 purified from recombinant baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells." Journal of Biological Chemistry 271.11 (1996): 6367-6373.
    Shimizu, Yasuaki, et al. "Identification of the sequence on NS4A required for enhanced cleavage of the NS5A/5B site by hepatitis C virus NS3 protease." Journal of Virology 70.1 (1996): 127-132.
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