

Ac-VRPR-AMC, a fluorogenic substrate for Arabidopsis thaliana metacaspase-9 (AtMC9)


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  • Name Ac-Val-Arg-Pro-Arg-AMC
    Category Caspase Inhibitors and Substrates
    One Letter Code Ac-VRPR-AMC
    Three Letter Code Acetylation-{Val}{Arg}{Pro}{Arg}-AMC
    Molecular Weight 725.850
    Application Apoptosis & Necrosis
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    Laverriere, Marc, Juan Jose Cazzulo, and Vanina Eder Alvarez. "Antagonic activities of Trypanosoma cruzi metacaspases affect the balance between cell proliferation, death and differentiation." Cell Death & Differentiation 19.8 (2012): 1358-1369.
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