What is Gibson assembly?

Overview of Gibson Assembly®

Gibson Assembly® is a recombination-based molecular cloning method for the in vitro assembly of DNA fragments. Developed by Daniel G. Gibson and his colleagues in 2009, this methodology enables easy assembly of multiple DNA fragments into a circular plasmid in a single-tube isothermal reaction. The result is a scarless DNA molecule of up to 15 kb in size.

Gibson Assembly® Overview

In this method, first fragments with 15-80 bp overlap with adjacent DNA parts are designed and synthesized. After synthesis, fragments are mixed with a reaction buffer containing three different types of enzyme: a T5 exonuclease, a DNA polymerase and a DNA ligase.

> The T5 exonuclease chews back both strands of DNA fragments from the 5’ end, generating 3’ single-stranded overhangs that can anneal with adjacent DNA fragments;

> The DNA polymerase then incorporates nucleotides to fill in the gaps within the annealed fragments;

> The DNA Ligase finally seals nicks in the assembled DNA to generate a double-stranded, fully-sealed DNA molecule.

Application and Advantages of Gibson Assembly®

Gibson Assembly can be used for seamless assembly of multiple fragments to generate natural or de novo DNA molecules as well as construction of DNA libraries for diverse down-stream applications. It can also be used for site-directed mutagenesis such as insertions, deletions and point mutations.

Compared with the conventional restriction enzyme/ligation-based cloning method, Gibson Assembly® offers many advantages:

> The assembly efficiency is significantly higher than the restriction enzyme/ligation-based cloning method;

> Greater number of fragments can be simultaneously combined in a single-tube reaction;

> There won’t be any concern for internal restriction enzyme cutting within a particular sequence;

> The procedure is faster and more efficient since it doesn’t require digestion and isolation of DNA fragments.

Available Gibson Assembly® Reagents

NameVendorKey ParametersAdvantages
Gibson Assembly® HiFi 1-Step Cloning Kit

Reaction time: about 60 minutes

Number of steps: one-step isothermal reaction

Fragments per reaction: up to 5 different fragments

Maximum construct size: 100 kb

PCR product purification: necessary

Maximum construct size up to 100kb
Gibson Assembly® Ultra kit

Reaction time: 80 minutes

Number of steps: two steps requiring two separate master mixes and incubation temperatures

Fragments per reaction: up to 15 fragments

Maximum construct size: 100 kb

PCR product purification: necessary

Maximum construct size up to 100kb
Gibson Assembly® /NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly

Reaction time: 15-60 minutes, depending on the number of assembled fragments

Number of steps: one-step isothermal reaction

Fragments per reaction: up to twelve 0.4 kb inserts into a vector (recommend five or fewer)

Maximum construct size: up to 23 kb

PCR product purification: not necessary

No need for PCR product purification
GenBuilder™ DNA Assembly/GenBuilder™ Plus DNA Assembly

Reaction time: 15-60 minutes, depending on the number of assembled fragments

Number of steps: one-step isothermal reaction

Fragments per reaction: up to 12 different fragments

Maximum construct size: 23 kb

PCR product purification: not necessary

No need for PCR product purification

Best assembly performance for multiple fragments assembly

Tips from MolecularCloudTM Team

1. To assemble large constructs (>25 kb), use Gibson Assembly® HiFi 1-Step Cloning Kit or Gibson Assembly® Ultra kit.

2. For high-efficiency assembly, use GenBuilder™ DNA Assembly or GenBuilder™ Plus DNA Assembly kits.

3. For electroporation, dilute the reaction product 5-fold and use 1 μL for transformation will decrease the ion concentration and improve the c transformation efficiency.

4. To achieve good assembly performance, control the GC% of the overlap sequence and make sure to keep it at the same level for all the overlap sequences.   

5. Avoid using the repeat sequence as the overlap sequence.


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