Gene therapy is replacing defective genes in patients with healthy ones in order to bring about a therapeutic effect. This modification usually occurs by introducing exogenous DNA/RNA using various vectors (Mostly Viral vectors) or other means. Gene Therapy is a progressing area and it has been approved for many diseases. Here are few ethical issues surrounding gene and cell therapies
Ethical Concerns:
Use of Gene and Cell Therapies for Treating diseases Vs Enhancement
Financial concerns
Social discrimination
Excessive Experimentation on Human embryos
Playing God
Use of Gene and Cell therapies for “Treating diseases Vs Enhancement”
These therapies involve changing the body's components which gives the instructions. The idea for developing such therapies is to treat diseases which can’t be cured just through medications. This should remain that way because using these therapies, it is possible for enhancing and Improving the selected traits like Intelligence, Height and a lot of other traits.
Financial concerns
The cost of Gene and Cell therapies are so expensive. The cost ranges from $373,000 to $1 million. This only makes the therapy available to the wealthy ones in society and not the major population. Insurances are also not covered for gene/cell therapies
Social discrimination
While social discrimination already exists, The former two will make it worse. Consider a situation where these therapies are approved and used for Enhancement, It can only be used by the wealthy. This creates chaos and makes society less accepting of people who are different.
Excessive experimentation on Human embryos
Although there are different ways for experimentation. Finally, it (Germline therapy) has to be experimented on human embryos, which raises a lot of concerns. Another concerning issue with experimentation on embryos is that, while it may cure disease / enhance a particular trait we don’t know what are the other unintended effects this may cause to the baby.
Playing God
The concerns of “Playing God” have been voiced since the beginning of Modern Biotechnology. This Linked to philosophical debates about the creation of life, prompting fears about scientists playing God. The concern about modification is that it might involve usurping the role of a higher being or failing to recognise human limitations.
Sade, R. M., & Khushf, G. (1998). Gene therapy: ethical and social issues. Journal-South Carolina Medical Association, 94, 406-410.
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