Various application scenarios of biological analysis

Bioanalysis at all stages of drug development and API and metabolite analysis in various biological matrices
-Method development
-Method validation
-Method transfer
-Early discovery bioanalysis (non-GLP)
-Sample Analysis
-Discovery PK studies
-Toxicokinetic studies
-Pharmacology studies
-Tissue distribution studies
-Drug-drug interaction studies
-BA/BE studies

In the area of in Vivo DMPK, Bioanalytical services in species such as mouse, rat, dog, monkey, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, and etc.
-Single Dose PK
-Dose Proportionality (Ascending Dose)
-Dose Linearity (Multiple Dose)
-Cassette PK (I.V.)
-Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Study
-Tissue Distribution
-Mass Balance
-PK Formulation Screening and Optimization

Application of Bioanalytics in In Vitro ADME Testing
-Solubility Test
-Microsome Stability Tests (Mouse, Rat, Dog and Monkey)
-Hepatocytes Stability Tests
-CYP450 inhibition (1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4)
-CaCO2 Permeability Test
-MDCK-MDR Permeability Test
-Plasma Protein Binding
-Red Blood Cell Partitioning (Blood/Plasma Ratio)

AxisPharm is a San Diego based bioanalytical LC/MS/MS service provider with more than 25 years experience in the field. AxisPharm bioanalytical chemistry department specializes in developing and validating robust bioanalytical methods for PK/TK sample analysis of small molecules, proteins, peptides, and metabolites using LCMS/MS (HPLC, UPLC, on-line SPE), HPLC/UV, and HPLC/FL.

We also provide pre-formulation and formulation stability, degradation monitoring, and so on.

AxisPharm lab can perform all the sample treatment procedures including protein precipitation, solid phase extraction, and liquid-liquid extraction.

PK driven SAR has become the new trends for lead optimizations. More and more companies are including a PK team within their medicinal chemistry division. However, the time and cost for initiating and maintaining such a program can be very costly that may not feasible at all for a small company. At AxisPharm, we can function just like your own pre-clinic PK team at a small fraction of cost compare with building such as team in house. Our expertise, experiences, and instrumentation are all within your reach.


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