Research Area

Research concerns why adoptive cell therapies, the type of immunotherapy in which tumor-specific T cells (e.g. CAR-T cells) are given to a patient to help the body fight cancer, aren't effective against solid tumors like they are against leukemias and lymphomas. Overcome resistance of CAR-T cell therapy in multiple myeloma. The new tumor-specific Th9 cell-paradigm as a new drug candidate to eradicate advanced human tumors.

Team Description

The Yong Lu Lab is comprised of a team of passionate and devoted individuals who embody the essence of our work. They are the driving force behind our research, tirelessly working with unwavering dedication. Inspired by the lives of patients, they collectively push the boundaries of Cancer immunotherapy.

Team Members

1. Yong Lu, PhD
2. Jing Fang, MS
3. Xiaoxuan Wang, MD, PhD
4. Zhiwu Jiang, PhD
5. Ziyu Wang, MS
6. Muhammad Kalim, PhD
7. Xin Li, MD
8. Wei Guo, PhD
9. Rui Jing, PhD
10. Pan Su, PhD

Team Show


Featured Publications in the past 5 years:

1. Zheng N, Fang J, Xue G, Wang Z, Li X, Rahma M, McFadden G, and Yong Lu. Induction of tumor cell autosis by myxoma virus-infected CAR-T and TCR-T cells to overcome primary and acquired resistance. Cancer Cell. 2022, 40 (9), 973-985

2. Xue G, Zheng N, Jing Fang, Jin G, Li X, Dotti G, Qing Y and Yong Lu. Adoptive cell therapy with tumor-specific Th9 cells induces viral mimicry to eliminate antigen-loss variant tumor cells. Cancer Cell. 2021, 39 (12), 1610-1622.

3. Xue G, W Ziyu, Zheng N, Jing Fang, Mao C, Li X, Jin G, Ming X, and Yong Lu. Elimination of acquired resistance to PD-1 blockade via the concurrent depletion of tumor cells and immunosuppressive cells. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2021, 5 (11), 1306-1319.

4. Gang Xue, Guangxu Jin, Jing Fang & Yong Lu. IL-4 together with IL-1β induces antitumor Th9 cell differentiation in the absence of TGF-β signaling. Nature Communications, 2019 Mar 26;10 (1):1376

5. Yong Lu, Wang Q, Xue Gang, Bi E, Ma X, Wang A, Qian J, Dong C and Yi Q. Th9 cells represent a unique subset of CD4+ T cells endowed with the ability to eradicate advanced tumors. Cancer Cell, 33, 1048–1060; 2018, June 11. PMC6072282